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Garden Delights

A selection of thoughts and ramblings about life in the garden.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Desert Bound


I'm heading back out to the high desert to check out my handiwork.

In case you missed it, I took a carload of plants from Illinois to New Mexico in very early summer. Now I get to go see what's still living, even though some people claimed they'd never survive the move.

I have it on good authority that some already declared themselves permanent residents.

According to the news flashes I get periodically, here are a few of the survivors:

blue mist shrub
spider plant
naked ladies
coreopsis (at least two varieties)
ornamental grasses (several types)
honeysuckle vine
trumpet vine
artemisias (several types)
wild petunia (ruellia)
painter's palette
a variety of sedums
purple coneflowers
a variety of yarrows
a hosta or two
a stray datura
Russian sage
hardy hibiscus

I believe there are a lot more survivors out there. My sister just can't remember the names because of the wicked west wind. The tags just didn't stick in the sandy ground good enough.

Now I get to go play botanist and identify the plants with the missing tags.


(Shhhhhh! This is a secret!)

I've stowed away a few plants in my trusty luggage to replace those that didn't find the surroundings to their liking.

This time I'm taking two rose of sharons, cypress spurge, two different rose campions, phlox, campanula, porcelain berry vine, more hardy hibiscus, golden Marguerite, veronica and coral bells.

You should see my suitcase.

Have plants. Will travel.


At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She came, she planted.

And am I ever grateful.

I saw a very red bloom atop a thin green stalk under the north wall. It appears to have come from a bulb. The mums are still blooming quite nicely, as is the plant I almost pulled up thinking it was a weed and alas, forgot the name!

This may be high desert, but with a little planning, and a little water, plants can thrive.


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